88: Serial Entrepreneur Reid Tileston: All In or You’re in the way.

Season #4

Reid Tileston, serial entrepreneur and author of 'Grit It Done', shares his insights on building generational wealth through entrepreneurial business ownership. We discuss the different paths to entrepreneurship and the need for proper assessment to determine if business ownership is the right fit.

We talk in some detail about the importance of a good-fitting peer group, loneliness can be a significant challenge for entrepreneurs, so having a network of like-minded individuals is essential. He shares his Grit it Done approach of if you're not all in, you're in the way. If you're halfway in, you're halfway out.

Sound Bites

  • "Own things, don't run things. That's the secret to living your dream."
  • "Failure is a building block of success."
  • "Entrepreneurship is about taking action."
  • "More autonomy, more freedom, more money, relationships, and a better citizen."
  • "You have to earn the right to be not the business owner, but the entrepreneurial business owner."