Hello again, partner. So good to be here with you. Happy new year to everybody who's listening at whatever time of year it is. Happy new year. Happy year. Every day can be a new, the beginning of something new. Wow. What a powerful mindset that we can bring.
Yeah, I like that mindset. I mean, you can reset at any point. Like, you can reset your year at any point. If you get to February and you've not done any of your resolutions, you can still start right now. It's okay. You can reset at any point. But I am excited for 2025. I think this is going to be a big year.
It is already a big year. I'm so excited. What are you excited about?
Well, we'd love to be telling everybody that we, Vicki and I have so many new things planned for 2025. We spent 2024 in a lot of building and strategy and just this great mode of creation and trying new things and saying yes to stuff and being brave and learning and stretching way outside our comfort zones. I I taught a class for a Cornell University Master's degree program. It was just a class, not a course, but whoa, what an experience. Like that was such a highlight of my year last year. And was like, if I could do that, hmm, what else can I do? So I can't wait.
I love that, it's so expansive and I'm so proud for you that you had that opportunity. You created that opportunity. It didn't just land in your lap. And I think it's really worth taking in that, you know, who you are and the way you operate and your passion and the way you're so passion driven and heart led is what created that opportunity.
Hmm. Thank you for that. Thank you for that. Yeah, absolutely. I am passionate about entrepreneurship. And I think I really woke up to understanding that so much this year that I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs. It is so important to me that young people, any age, people starting out, people who are just got a side hustle and, you know, want to turn it into a full time or just need a side hustle to help pay the bills, that everybody has access to the resources that they need for success. Because it's really hard to find any sort of entrepreneurial school, right? I mean, there's definitely accelerator programs and incubators and things, but there's no education around entrepreneurship and we need more of it. And I'm really passionate about this and I see what entrepreneurship does for people, the development, the self-development, the growth, the personal journeys that you take.
From talking to hundreds of people on our podcast to working with entrepreneurs and… you know, the nitty gritty of their business to helping big brands market theirs. Like I've seen the whole gamut of it and I know there's such a need, such a hunger for what we're gonna be creating this year. What we've already created, what we're ready to launch, what we've launched already. It's all coming. There are so many things we have planned.
The first one is our launch course which I'm super, super excited about. We've spent weeks putting this together. We have spent years gathering the knowledge and working with incredible people so that we can give you all the insider secrets of how to work with the press, how to do social media, how to do guerrilla marketing, loads of ideas, things that are going to help you brainstorm and figure out what's right for you and your business.
But most importantly, were going to be teaching our four-step formula for a successful launch. Because that, it's so simple. It is so simple, yet no one tells you these things, right? You just launch a business and what? It gets out there and what? And people get really stuck in this space and they don't launch the business and that's a tragedy. So that's one of my main things to focus on this year is to help everyone listening, anyone who's got a business or has a great idea to launch it this year.
Hmm. I’m so excited for our audience and for the people we serve because of this course. As you said, it gives you everything you need that's simplified and profound. It's effective. I think the one thing that a lot of us as founders, as early stage founders experience is overwhelm. And the course that we offer is, it just cuts through that overwhelm because it simplifies what feels so unfamiliar and it really helps you step by step just do this one thing and notice the impact, one little thing at a time can have such a big impact on the launch of your business.
And that's what I love so much about this course that we offer that you've put your heart and soul into because it brings it much closer. It does bring it within reach. You can touch it and you can work out one step at a time what to do next. And of course we're complimenting that with a lot of coaching because my greatest heart passion, it’s something I've been doing all my career, actually all my life. You know, I was the person that my friends came to, my family came to with problems and I've just had this natural, natural way of coaching people. However, I've really brought that into the entrepreneurship world this year by learning so many amazing and quite magical techniques that help people release limiting beliefs, get out of their own way and just be able to live their dreams and build their dream business and that is so important to both of us. So I think this combination of the knowledge that you offer and the skills that you offer, marketing and the coaching so that we can really just get out of our own way and see the clear path and go for it. It's such a beautiful combination. I'm so excited for 2025.
Because exactly what you're saying is going to help so many people. Because it's one thing to know the how to do something. And we often download courses and listen to podcasts and you gather all the information on how to do something. But when it comes to taking action, that's when people often hesitate. Because like you mentioned, the overwhelm, it feels scary, it feels too much. You feel that imposter syndrome kicking in, you know, and you don't take the action. So what is it that helps you break through that?
How do people get past the stuckness, right? Where you know what you're supposed to do, you know how you're supposed to do it, but you just can't actually action that and do it. So that's where coaching is so valuable. And like, I'm so excited that you took this path because I know you are so incredibly good at mindset shifting. I mean, you've shifted my mindset about a thousand times over this last five years working together, you know? Every single day, every single conversation is a shift in a way and towards something greater because you know people's desires and you bring people up to their fullest potential. And I know that for you, it's such a driving factor is like for you to achieve your full potential, but also to help others achieve theirs.
And it's that, it's like getting out of your own way, but it's hard to do that when it's just you by yourself, home. You took a course, but you're stuck home and it's just you. How do you get out of that? Well, you need to talk to somebody. At the end of the day, you just need to talk to somebody. You need a coach. You need someone that's going to be on your side, cheering you on and helping you just shift past those mental blocks that just keep you stuck. That is where success is coming for everybody that we work with. I know it in 2025.
I want to work with everybody. I'm like so excited to, we had a conversation, I'm excited. We had a conversation with an amazing entrepreneur the other day and it just fully lit me up. Halfway through our conversation, I caught myself in this brainstorm of ideas and you can do this and you can do that. Oh my gosh, what about this and here? And I'm like, I love living in that space so much. I think that's what gets me so hyped up about entrepreneurship is because it's such a creative, exciting, expansive space of possibility.
And that when you kind of get out of that like, you know, way a mindset of like, I can't do it and go, well, what can I do? All of a sudden you realise there's so much you can do. And this course, this Launch Ready course is gonna be so full of ideas. And I want to caution people, don't get overwhelmed by the amount of ideas. Not every idea is going to be for you and that's fine.
The point is we start with strategy and when you figure out your strategy, then you know what's going to work for you in your business and who you're trying to attract for your business because that's such a key part. So like, these are the things I want to teach people. So they get, that helps to prevent the overwhelm. When you realise, okay, it's just a bunch of ideas that Laura and Vicki have floating around and get excited about. That doesn't mean you have to take on all these ideas. That doesn't mean you have to say yes to them all. You've just got to figure, I like that one, I like that one, that one works for me. Great. And you implement those things and go for it. You could always implement more later. Maybe it worked. Maybe it didn't. You can assess. This is all part of it. And marketing is just one long ongoing experiment to tell as many people about you and what you do as possible. That's all it is. You know, like let's stop the over-hyping what marketing is. It's just a way to communicate. That's it. It's just communication.
So we'd love to help teach more and more people about communication. So first course of 2025 is going to be the Launch Ready course. Stay tuned because there's more. There's so much more. There's so much more because I'm also super passionate about young people and youth entrepreneurship. And I really want to help bring them some of what they need, some of that education I was talking about earlier that they need to start creating that very first business, whether it's a babysitting service.
My son created a whole art business. There's so many ideas. I'd love to help kids just see more expansively on what's possible in life. Because I think once you open your eyes to what's possible, suddenly all those limiting beliefs that held you down are going to be gone. And I'm like, I can do this? Wow. I remember my son very clearly saying to me not so long ago, so I could do what I'm doing like for a job. And I was like, yeah, of course you can. And he was like,
Wow, I could create art for a job? Yeah, of course you can. Your mom did. Why can't you? And it was just like that realisation was so like, moved me because I just helped him understand the world is bigger than, you know, maybe whatever limits are put on you by school or, you know, any parents and he believes your parents put on you or anybody else that puts on you. And no matter what your age is.
We all deal with limiting beliefs and that's where coaching really helps. So I'm so glad that we're partners doing parallel paths, training, coaching, bringing entrepreneurs exactly what they need for success. Yeah, 2025, it's just the start.
You're such a gift. I love hearing you talk about Nico and his journey and how you've supported him and really opened his world and his mind, his mind and his world, his future. And you know, the kid was 14 when, was he 14 when he started this journey. And if we can do that and support a 14 year old, we can support anybody. It doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter what your experiences are so far. If this is your dream, if there's a whisper in your heart that says there's more, there's something that you are called to do, something that is important to you to put out in the world as a business, then stick with us kid because there's some great stuff happening this year and anything is possible. It truly is. When you have the right resources, the knowledge and the support. Anything is possible and it's all right here for you. We're so excited about hanging out with you this year and seeing what's possible for you.
That's a perfect way to end this. Thanks, partner. Looking forward to 2025, and I wish everyone the most amazing, incredible, prosperous, fabulous year ahead.