5 Ways to Hit Your Marketing Targets, Even When You’re Behind
Jul 04, 2022
It’s already July and we’re halfway through the year! Where did the time go? It's time to get honest with ourselves, are we on track with our business strategy for 2022?
If, like all successful business owners, you started the year with a strategy, a plan to achieve growth, perhaps with new products or attracting more customers, congrats! And now is the time to review progress.
It’s natural that with many competing priorities, your plans may fall by the wayside, especially marketing plans. Here's today’s good news - it’s not too late to realign and refocus. Here are 5 ways to hit your marketing targets for the year!
Revisit your WHY
To stay motivated to your plan you need to know why you are doing it.
Visualise your business and what things will be like for you once you have attained your dream. Identify the top three reasons why you should focus on achieving it – this could include things like financial goals or business expansion. The flip side is, imagine the world without your service, who would miss it? Have a vision that wakes you up, excited to work on your dreams.
Set Measurable Goals
Quantify your target.
For example, you might want to attract three times more followers on Instagram in six months. Having a numerical target and a deadline sharpens the focus - helping you create a timeline with checkpoints along the way.
If you set out at the start of the year to increase revenue 50% by December, where are you now? And remember it’s OK to adjust your plan, things happen and we need to navigate changes to get to our end goal. That’s why a mid-year strategic review is always a great idea.
Be Realistic – Delegate what you can
Hire a Remote Assistant or outsource tasks that aren’t your expertise - it can go a long way to improving your bottom line.
As entrepreneurs we always hold ourselves to high standards and want to do everything ourselves. That’s mistake #1. This is the fastest route to self sabotage. If you’re not good at something it’ll take you twice as long to do it. Or worse, small tasks would consume your time – taking away focus from things that actually bring in revenue.
Step out of your comfort zone
This is a difficult one, but is often the difference between wanting and achieving.
If you are going to keep doing what you did last year – why would you expect different results this year? Sticking to a plan usually means making sacrifices along the way. You may have to give up a well paid opportunity because it doesn't align with your plan, or you may have to invest time and energy in learning new marketing tools or skills. Even if things get tough, remember your why and stay on course as best as you can!
Talk about your goals
It is important to surround yourself with a supportive and positive community.
The more you talk about your big vision, the more others will talk about it too. That's why we built the community of resilient entrepreneurs, The Level-Up League - it's a place where entrepreneurs belong and where other people believe in you, it's great accountability.
For the next half of this year be very intentional who you spend time with. Your community will lift you or keep you down, which would you rather be with?
Marketers who proactively plan projects are 356% more likely to report success. Think what that number can mean to your business and your bottom line. It's time to review your marketing plan for the rest of the year and give yourself the best opportunity to exceed your own expectations!
Learn more about setting marketing goals and other brand-building strategies on the Level Up Your Marketing Podcast available on all major podcast players!
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