Seven mistakes to avoid while launching your new idea brand strategy healthy business habits launch marketing ideas success Sep 30, 2021

Seven mistakes to avoid when launching your new idea

A launch is a critical time in your marketing cycle. It can literally make or break your business. Even seasoned entrepreneurs can struggle to find the balance between a mediocre and a powerful launch. After years of working successful launch...

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Launch time checklist for new business owners brand strategy goal setting launch marketing ideas success Sep 22, 2021

Are you launching a new business or growing your audience? As marketing and branding specialists, we have successfully launched hundreds of new ideas into the market. We have decided to summarise all of our launching lessons into this handy checklist. Mark it off and your launch will be even more...

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Do these 6 things when you launch, or risk it being a flop! brand strategy goal setting launch marketing ideas success Sep 20, 2021

 A launch is a period of time when you are introducing something new to the market. It could be a whole new business, launching yourself as a consultant or coach, or an exciting new product, service, or a promotion. 

Launching can be a challenge, a tricky and confusing time. It can...

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Level-Up Your Goals brand strategy goal setting healthy business habits success Apr 06, 2021

Setting goals and then reaching them can be a daunting task, especially when you set your sights high. Goals can appear almost unreachable and we often get discouraged when we don’t see the progress we want right away. The best way to achieve your goals is to create a plan; a dream without...

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Youā€™re launching a new business, what's your brand plan? brand strategy start up Jan 26, 2021

If you're launching a new business we suspect you’ve been thinking about this and testing different aspects of your business idea for months—if not years. It’s your baby and you want the very best for her. You’ve defended the business plan to financiers, you’ve spent...

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You hate your logo and I know why. brand strategy logo Dec 14, 2020

You have a logo. Maybe it was designed 5 years ago or maybe it was designed just a few weeks ago. Regardless, you hate it.

But you aren’t quite sure why you hate it. (I know why!)

I imagine the conversation between you and your graphic designer went something like this:

Graphic designer: ...

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